A bad lawyer causes damage, and could cost clients (and defendants) a lot of money and time. You can complain if a lawyer has intimidated you.

The Legal Practice Council (LPC) handles lawyer complaints. Complaints about unethical or illegal behaviour go through the LPC.

If they’ve done something illegal, the law holds them as legal eagles accountable.

Here’s how it works, and what to do if you need help.

Lawyers must act within the law.

A bad lawyer is anyone who doesn’t, including using their power to intimidate or harass. Harassment is illegal.

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Professionals have to remain professional.

If someone lies about being a lawyer, they’re an unethical lawyer. If someone acts outside the law, they shouldn’t work with the law.

The Legal Practice Council (LPC) allows members of the public to lodge complaints.

A lawyer who doesn’t register with the LPC is illegal. A registered lawyer must act in the law.

The LPC website has an area for complaints against lawyers.

Download the forms, and fill in all the details.

How to lodge a complaint

The South African Government.says that unethical lawyers can be charged.

The LPC investigates legal complaints, and complaints or issues against lawyers in South Africa. A complaint gets a reference number when it is received.

A separate commission investigates complaints against prosecutors and judges.

Need help filling in forms?

All South Africans deserve help. It’s one of your human rights.

Contact the Legal Practice Council if you need help filling in forms.

Include all details, including correspondence and your details. To investigate, include as much information as possible for best results.


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